So I am writing a programme in python3 which will install postgreSQL on the local host.
I am trying to configure some parameters in the .bash_profile file using the below code
import subprocess;
import os;
import pwd;
db_version = '15.0'
db_version_short = (str(db_version)).split('.')[0]
def runcmd(cmd, verbose = False, *args, **kwargs):
process = subprocess.Popen(
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
shell = True
std_out, std_err = process.communicate()
if verbose:
print((std_out.strip()).decode('utf-8'), std_err)
stdoutdata = subprocess.getoutput("sudo -u postgres echo ~")
print("stdout: " + (stdoutdata.split()[0]) + 'n')
homedir = (stdoutdata.split()[0])
#clear contents of existing bash profile
runcmd('> .bash_profile', verbose= True)
# Define the lines to write in the .bash_profile file
bash_lines = [f"export PGDATA=/db/pgdata/{db_version_short}/data",
f"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/db/pgbin/{db_version_short}/lib",
"export PGPORT=5432",
f"export PGSQL=/db/pgbin/pgsql/{db_version_short}",
"PATH=$PATH:$PGSQL/bin;export PATH",
"LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LANG;"]
# Join the lines with line breaks
bash_command = "n".join(bash_lines)
write_command = "sudo -u postgres echo '{}' >> {}/.bash_profile".format(bash_command,homedir)
runcmd(write_command, verbose= True)
The problem I am having is that when I am running this script as root, it is trying to write to /root/.bash_profile instead of to /home/postgres/.bash_profile.
Anyone have any ideas of how I could set homedir to the postgres user’s home directory?
I tried running the script but it keeps setting homedir to /root, when I want it to be /home/postgres/
I resolved the problem by using os.fork() as suggested in this thread:'s,root%2C%20you%20cannot%20go%20back.
sudo -u postgres echo ~
doesn’t give your postgres’s home directory, because the ~ character is evaluated before the shell calls ‘sudo’, and of course it gets evaluated to the calling user’s home directory, root’s in this case.To get what you want try
echo ~postgres