I have this two queries,
SELECT ST_AsText(geom)
FROM areasTable
WHERE "Name" ILIKE 'Kachina';
Let’s say that it returns a polygon value of: POLYGON((-XXX.XX XX.XXX, -XXX.XX XX.XXX, -XXX.XX XX.XXX, -XXX.XX XX.XXX))
. I then use that value to do another search.
FROM addresses
What I have been trying to do is save a step and just find all the roads within a certain area without having to manually copy and paste the polygon of the area. Any ideas?
I am including this as a help to someone who may be curious about how I solved this, but technically, MaximumBoy pointed me to the direct answer to my question, and for that reason I am going to vote for his answer as the correct one. I couldn't figure out how to do it Maximum's way, but that is because I know very little of SQL.
This is how I accomplished what I wanted. NOTICE THAT I changed the table name from "areasTable" to "areas" in my solution.
First way,
The second way to accomplish this is the following,
The first one is a little bit slower than the second query, but this is from my empirical observations.
Try creating a stored procedure. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_stored_procedures.asp
Then write a program in a language that can interact with the SQL DB and run a loop that calls this stored procedure over and over.