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I’ve two tables like below

Table 1 : users

id – number

authorization – json

id user_name authorized_customers
1 user1 ["002001A", "002001B","002001ABC"]
2 user2 ["002001A", "002001Z","002001ABZ"]

Table 2: orders

id – number,

user_id – number – forigen key of users table

name – varchar

customer – varchar

id customer_name customer
1 john 002001A
2 doe 002001Z

My question is:

How do I get all orders based on the user1’s authorized customer like

select * from orders where customer in(select CAST(json_array_elements(authorized_customers) AS VARCHAR) AS customer_ids from users where id=1)

Any help is appreciated.

I tired above query but no value returned



  1. Postgres supports a number of operators for dealing with JSON; in this case you can use the json ? text -> boolean operator as described in the official docs.

    Something like:

    select * 
    from orders o
    join users u on u.authorized_customers ? o.customer
    where = 1

    will return records where the o.customer value is in the JSON array u.authorized_customers.

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  2. you can try this

    SELECT * FROM orders
    WHERE customer IN (
        SELECT json_array_elements_text(authorized_customers) AS customer_ids 
        FROM users 
        WHERE id = 1

    make sure that you have db indexes on and orders.customer columns. It can greatly improve the performance.
    How does json_array_elements_text work?:
    example users data:

    id | user_name | authorized_customers
    1  | user1     | ["002001A", "002001B","002001ABC"]
    2  | user2     | ["002001A", "002001Z","002001ABZ"]

    query like:

    SELECT json_array_elements_text(authorized_customers) FROM users WHERE id = 1;

    will make this output:

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  3. Go with json_array_elements_text function. It will extract the data from the array.

    Here is how to execute query:

    SELECT * FROM orders o JOIN users u ON o.customer = ANY(json_array_elements_text(u.authorized_customers))
    WHERE = 1;

    The join is being performed on basis of

    o.customer = ANY(json_array_elements_text(u.authorized_customers))

    Value is returned if any of the value matches.

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