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Given the following query

select *
from jsonb_to_recordset('[{"a":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
where i is not null

I observe the result of a single row, which is the one where both columns are non-null.

When negating the where clause to be where i is null, I instead observe the empty result set.

I’m somewhat confused by the first version of that query not resulting in both rows, and by negating the comparison not yielding the complement of the set returned by the first query.

So far I’ve not been able to find the right place in the documentation where this behaviour is described, and would appreciate any pointers in the right direction to better understand what’s happening.

For context, this came up for me when trying to check whether or not there was a matching row in an outer join. To avoid the above somewhat surprising behaviour, I opted to instead check for one of the non-nullable columns of the joined relation to be null/not null, which fixed my immediate problem, but makes me wonder if there’s perhaps a better way to perform this kind of check that’d always work, even if all the columns of the relation you’re joining are nullable, and without having to enumerate all of the columns and relying on at least one of them to be non-null.



  1. The rule is quite obvious
    for i(a int, b int)

    i is not null -> a is not null and b is not null

    i is null -> a is null and b is null

    With query

    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)

    output is

    a b
    null null
    1 null
    null 1
    2 42

    and possible check’s

    1. NOT NULL
    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
    where i is not null
    a b
    2 42
    1. IS NULL
    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
    where i is null
    a b
    null null

    3.NOT (i is null)

    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
     where not(i is null)
    a b
    1 null
    null 1
    2 42

    4.NOT (i is not null)

    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
     where not(i is not null)
    a b
    null null
    1 null
    null 1

    5.null and not null

    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
     where not(i is null) and not (i is not null)
    a b
    1 null
    null 1
    1. Coalesce
    select *
    from jsonb_to_recordset('[{},{"a":1},{"b":1},{"a":2,"b":42}]') i(a int, b int)
    where coalesce(a,b) is not null
    a b
    1 null
    null 1
    2 42
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  2. This is documented at for row types (also known as composite types):

    If the expression is row-valued, then IS NULL is true when the row
    expression itself is null or when all the row’s fields are null, while
    IS NOT NULL is true when the row expression itself is non-null and
    all the row’s fields are non-null. Because of this behavior, IS NULL
    and IS NOT NULL do not always return inverse results for row-valued
    expressions; in particular, a row-valued expression that contains both
    null and non-null fields will return false for both tests. In some
    cases, it may be preferable to write row IS DISTINCT FROM NULL or
    row IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL, which will simply check whether the
    overall row value is null without any additional tests on the row

    You can generate yourself a cheat sheet using

      x, y.a, b, y,
      y IS NULL AS "y IS NULL",
    FROM (VALUES ('one'), ('two')) AS x(a)
    FULL OUTER JOIN jsonb_to_recordset('[{}, {"a":"one"}, {"b": 1}, {"a":"one","b":2}]') AS y(a text, b int) USING (a)
    ORDER BY num_nonnulls(y, y.a, y.b);

    (online demo)

    So for checking whether a row got matched in an outer join, you should use IS DISTINCT FROM NULL.

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