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We a have PostgreSQL 12.7 database with multiple schemas, each schema being assigned to a specific test environment.

Part of our data model evolution we had an ALTER TABLE my_table DROP COLUMN my_column SQL that needs to be executed via Flyway BD evolution tool. Our spring boot application failed to start because Flyway failed with a timeout.

Connecting to the database as a DBA I tried to manually run that DROP COLUMN statement with no result. It was taken forever. The table is a very small table with just 112 rows, you would expect the DROP statement will execute instantly. We had a very similar problem before with a DROP TABLE statement on a different PostgreSQL database (same version) and the only work around was to destroy the database and recreate it in AWS. We cannot do the same with this database instance because of the multiple test environments connected to it. It will impact everyone. I tried dropping the schema for that particular environment using DROP SCHEMA my_schema CASCADE, again I had to cancel after waiting for more than 10 minutes.

On the other hand my feeling is that is just a matter of time of when this is going to happen in PROD so we need to find a way to resolve this type of issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

** UPDATE **
I ran suggested query:

       pg_blocking_pids(pid) as blocked_by
  FROM pg_stat_activity
 WHERE cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(pid)) > 0
   AND query ='ALTER TABLE my_table DROP COLUMN my_column;';

and it came up with this result:

  pid  | usename  |               blocked_by
 29688 | dba_root | {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
(1 row)

If cancelling the ALTER TABLE ... the above query brings nothing.



  1. You can try to run this query:

    SELECT     AS blocked_pid,
             blocked_activity.usename  AS blocked_user,
        AS blocking_pid,
             blocking_activity.usename AS blocking_user,
             blocked_activity.query    AS blocked_statement,
             blocking_activity.query   AS current_statement_in_blocking_process
       FROM  pg_catalog.pg_locks         blocked_locks
        JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity blocked_activity  ON =
        JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks         blocking_locks
            ON blocking_locks.locktype = blocked_locks.locktype
            AND blocking_locks.database IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.database
            AND blocking_locks.relation IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.relation
            AND blocking_locks.tuple IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.tuple
            AND blocking_locks.virtualxid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.virtualxid
            AND blocking_locks.transactionid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.transactionid
            AND blocking_locks.classid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.classid
            AND blocking_locks.objid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objid
            AND blocking_locks.objsubid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objsubid
            AND !=
        JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity blocking_activity ON =
       WHERE NOT blocked_locks.granted;
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  2. Since the blocking process IDs show up as 0, they may be prepared transactions. Look into pg_prepared_xacts to see if there are any prepared transactions that a buggy application failed to clean up.

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