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I’m migrating an Oracle PLSQL SP to be compatible with Postgres plpgsql (version PostgreSQL 13.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 7.4.0, 64-bit).

The exception block of the PLSQL SP has the below code:

    when others then
        if CURR1%isopen then
            close SPV_RECON_INFO;
        end if;
        open CURR1 for execute select sysdate from dual;

How can %isopen be implemented in Postgres?



  1. PostgreSQL cursors do not support %ISOPEN or %NOTFOUND. To address this problem %ISOPEN can be replaced by a boolean variable declared internally in the procedure and is updated manually when the cursor is opened or closed.

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  2. That is simple. You have to assign a name to the cursor variable, then you can search for that cursor in pg_cursors. If there is a row with that name, the cursor is open.

    Here is a self-contained example:

       c refcursor;
       c := 'mycursor';
       /* cursor is not open, EXIST returns FALSE */
       RAISE NOTICE '%', EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_cursors WHERE name = 'mycursor');
       OPEN c FOR SELECT * FROM pg_class;
       /* cursor is open, EXIST returns TRUE */
       RAISE NOTICE '%', EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_cursors WHERE name = 'mycursor');
    NOTICE:  f
    NOTICE:  t

    If you do not assign a name, PostgreSQL will generate a name (but you don’t know what the name is).

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  3. I often found it convenient in cases like this to create a function that emulates Oracle. In his case something like:

    create or replace function cursor_isopen(cur text)  
        returns boolean 
       language sql
    as $$
       select exists (select null 
                        from pg_cursors 
                       where name = cur
                     ) ;

    Then your code becomes something like:

        when others then
            if cursor_isopen(cur_name::text) then
                close SPV_RECON_INFO;
            end if;

    Of course you need to have preset the cursor name as Laurenz Albe has pointed out. Sample test case.

    do $$ 
       cur1 cursor for select table_name from information_schema.tables; 
       cur2 cursor for select table_name from information_schema.tables; 
       table_name text; 
       cur1 := 'closed-cursor';
       cur2 := 'open-cursor';   
       open cur2; 
       if cursor_isopen(cur1::text) 
                fetch cur1 into table_name; 
                raise notice 'First table name: %', table_name;
                close cur1;
           else raise notice 'cursor_isopen(''%'') returned %', cur1::text, cursor_isopen(cur1::text);
       end if; 
       if cursor_isopen(cur2::text) 
                fetch cur2 into table_name; 
                raise notice 'First table name: %', table_name;
                close cur2;
           else raise notice 'cursor_isopen(''%'') returned %', cur1::text, cursor_isopen(cur1::text);
       end if;

    cursor_isopen(‘closed-cursor’) returned f
    cursor_isopen(‘open-cursor’) returned t. First table name: task_states

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