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i am trying to make a one qyery based on the result i am applying another query for some tasks.

here i have one method filter_based_on_ticket_creation in which i am getting some data based on descending order which is one of the my filter ,based on that data i am making another query which will give some additional details which i want to display.

here is the snippest,

  def fetch_deallocations_based_on_department
    department = params[:department]
    deallocations = []
    filter_based_on_ticket_creation(params).joins(:resource_info).where('resource_infos.department_name = ?',department).order(due_date: :asc).limit(5).each do |details|
      deallocations.push([,details.due_date.present? ? details.due_date&.strftime('%d / %m / %Y') : 'Date not assigned'])
    render json: deallocations

  def filter_based_on_ticket_creation(params)
    if (params[:q].present? && params[:q][:updated_at_lteq].present?)
      @q.result.order(updated_at: :desc).limit(params[:q][:updated_at_lteq].to_i)

here i have total 32 deallocation record,

irb(main):002:0> Deallocation.all.pluck(:id)
  Deallocation Pluck (0.5ms)  SELECT "deallocations"."id" FROM "deallocations"
=> [75, 24, 25, 26, 82, 27, 28, 74, 36, 41, 78, 58, 76, 53, 29, 40, 81, 30, 77, 23, 38, 39, 54, 68, 57, 70, 71, 72, 79, 73, 80, 83]

so now I want to make a filter that gives the latest 5 or 10 tickets for that I have made one method (filter_based_on_ticket_creation(params)) that gives me the latest data ,based on updated_at means it gives the latest 5 records or 10 records
here filter_based_on_ticket_creation(params) return some data

  Deallocation Load (0.4ms)  SELECT "deallocations".* FROM "deallocations" ORDER BY "deallocations"."updated_at" DESC LIMIT $1 
pry(#<DeallocationsController>)> @filterd_deallocation.pluck(:id)
=> [75, 83, 82, 81, 40]

so after applying this filter i have 2 use cases one is that i want to display those 5 records and for another use case i am applying some where and joins condition on filtered data.

and when i am applying where condition which is on my fetch_deallocations_based_on_department method so it will override query and give different output

 @filterd_deallocation.joins(:resource_info).where('resource_infos.department_name = ?','ROR')
  Deallocation Load (0.6ms)  SELECT "deallocations".* FROM "deallocations" INNER JOIN "cims"."resource_infos" ON "cims"."resource_infos"."id" = "deallocations"."resource_info_id" WHERE (resource_infos.department_name = 'ROR') ORDER BY "deallocations"."updated_at" DESC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 5]]

@filterd_deallocation.joins(:resource_info).where('resource_infos.department_name = ?','ROR').pluck(:id)
  Deallocation Pluck (1.3ms)  SELECT "deallocations"."id" FROM "deallocations" INNER JOIN "cims"."resource_infos" ON "cims"."resource_infos"."id" = "deallocations"."resource_info_id" WHERE (resource_infos.department_name = 'ROR') ORDER BY "deallocations"."updated_at" DESC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 5]]
  ↳ (pry):4:in `deallocation_dashboard'
=> [75, 83, 40, 29, 53] # here additional 40,29,53 ids are coming

so here you can see the in SQL that in filter_based_on_ticket_params method makes a this query

ELECT "deallocations".* FROM "deallocations" ORDER BY "deallocations"."updated_at" DESC LIMIT $1 

so when i am applying this query

filter_based_on_ticket_creation(params).joins(:resource_info).where('resource_infos.department_name = ?',department).order(due_date: :asc).limit(5) 

it will override the default query because of SQL query order of execution in which ‘where’ has more priority than ‘order’ so it will make a ‘where’ query first and based on that data it will make ‘order’

SELECT "deallocations".* FROM "deallocations" INNER JOIN "cims"."resource_infos" ON "cims"."resource_infos"."id" = "deallocations"."resource_info_id" WHERE (resource_infos.department_name = 'ROR') ORDER BY "deallocations"."updated_at" DESC LIMIT $1 

so I want a persistent query,what should I do means the second query will not change the execution of SQL flow and I get the result based on my first query data only.



  1. The additional 2 ids are coming because you told the database that you want 5 results.

    With the previous query, there were 5 results. And after you apply your filter, only 3 (75, 83, 40) of those match that, but you’re still telling the database you want 5 results (.limit(5)), so the database keeps looking and finds more records that were not included in the 5 initially.

    Without more context regarding the use case (why exactly 5 results at first and then less?), it’s difficult to say how you should resolve this.

    But limit is probably not the right tool for this.

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  2. I can’t give you a complete answer as I don’t have knowledge about ruby on rails, but this should help you move forward.

    As I understand your question:
    You have a result of the newest deallocation-ids [Query1] and want to filter these according to a related department value. [Query2]

    You don’t want a new result, which shows all latest deallocation-ids of the department.

    The easiest way would be to supply the desired ids from query1.

    # No idea if this is the way to write this in ruby
    Deallocation.joins(:resource_info).where( filterd_deallocation).where('resource_infos.department_name = ?',department)

    This should result in a query like

    SELECT "deallocations".* 
    FROM "deallocations" 
    INNER JOIN "cims"."resource_infos" ON "cims"."resource_infos"."id" = "deallocations"."resource_info_id" 
     (resource_infos.department_name = 'ROR') 
     ( IN (75,83))

    As you’ve already noticed is that there is strict order to sql execution and it works as intended.
    Order only applies to the result set, which was already filtered by where.
    I urge you to rethink your approach how you want to obtain and filter the data.

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