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A Product can have various sizes so I added one to many relation. But Each product can have only 1 unique size, i.e, in many to many the sizes should not repeat.
For instance, Product X can have size 1, 2, 3 but if user tries to add size 2 which already exists, it should fail (and it does) but now the issue is when Product Y is added, adding size 1 fails because it was unique but It should be unique per variant not overall. Any way to do this while modelling the DB or I have to add a manual check and throw error if the size of the same variant already exists.

Database – Postgresql
Using Prisma



  1. You can create unique indexes using multiple fields in postgres. scroll down a bit for the multiple fields section.

    Without knowing your existing table structure I can’t say with confidence that this code would work but you’ll want something like this.

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_products_size ON products(id, size);
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  2. In Prisma, you can model your relations like this:

    model Product {
      id          String        @id @default(uuid())
      name        String
      description String
      sizes       ProductSize[]
    model ProductSize {
      id          String  @id @default(uuid())
      name        String
      description String
      product     Product @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
      productId   String
      @@unique([productId, name])

    This contains a unique index over a combination of two fields (productId and name). So for each product there can only be a unique named size.
    Example – (productId – A, Size – 1), (productId – A, Size – 2). Adding another record with (productId – A, Size – 1) would throw an error but (productId – B, Size – 1) will be allowed.

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