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Django’s documentation mentions aggregation:

q = Book.objects.annotate(Count('authors'))

My code is full of similar constructs (adding a count of something to a queryset, using annotate), and this always worked well. Now suddenly, for reasons unknown, I’m getting this error:

ProgrammingError: column ... must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

In fact, I have the same version of Django on my dev and prod, and everything works on dev, but fails on prod (typical). Spontaneously. For no apparent reason.

And I cannot add the named column to the GROUP BY clause, because then it wants me to add the next column, and the next, and the next, etc. I can also not add some random aggregate function. In short: the solutions that the error mentions make no sense!

There are many more questions with this same error, many unanswered. I have no solution, but it seems this error started appearing lately, in Django versions 4+, at least for me.

I’ve tried the failing SQL query directly within Postgres and it fails there as well, of course, with exactly the same error. The fault is not with Django.

The only way to make this annotate query work, is when selecting distinct fields, like for example:

q = Book.objects.values('name').annotate(Count('authors'))

But unfortunately that makes no sense in many cases within my project: I do need the whole object, not a single field.

It’s seems logical to say that the version of Postgres changed on the server, but that isn’t the case. Things broke after a failed deploy that I had to roll back. The database got corrupted in the process (there were actually double ID’s in some tables). Afterwards this ProgrammingError appeared and some page requests fail with a 500 error.

Any clues to a solution?

UPDATE 1: It seems that there actually are queries, just like the one at the top of this post, that work well. At the same time there are others, that looks exactly the same, that don’t work. I’m trying to pinpoint the difference. To be continued…

UPDATE 2: I can’t really find a difference. I’ve updated this question to point at a more exact case. In my project it’s, say, a Product model that has a tags property, which is a ManyToMany relation to a Tag model – exactly like the relation in the documentation of Django (Book model with a m2m property ‘authors’). But it fails…

UPDATE 3: Additionally to the aforementioned case there’s also this one:

class ModelA(models.Model):
    a = models.IntegerField()

class ModelB(models.Model):
    b = models.IntegerField()

class ModelC(models.Model):
    a = models.ForeignKey(ModelA, related_name='cs')
    b = models.ForeignKey(ModelB, related_name='cs')

ModelA.objects.annotate(c=Count('cs'))  # fails
ModelB.objects.annotate(c=Count('cs'))  # works!

Someone has an explanation for this one? (Of course ModelA and ModelB have more fields, does that matter?)

UPDATE 4: As I said, this problem only occured on prod, not on dev. So I was curious and copied the prod database to dev, and now this same problem appears on dev as well! Conclusion: this error appears because of the data in the database! Not the structure, not the version. As mentioned, this problems started occurring after a database corruption, so that’s the key. How could I solve this? How to repair the DB corruption? Note: I’ve already repaired (as in: removed) all duplicate key and unique field issues, etc. Not sure what else could be wrong.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The comments of @Zegarek pointed me in the right direction. Gathering schema information about both databases (prod and dev) showed that important constraints were missing on the prod database, namely: PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints, exactly on those tables that were causing the column ... must appear in the GROUP BY error. I'm not sure how it is they're missing (as the dev database is simply the prod db of a month ago), but adding the constraints on-the-fly solved the problem - no more ProgrammingError!

    When the prod db got corrupted there were duplicates exactly on those fields where the constraint was missing. That should have been a little hint.

  2. You cannot make an aggregation on fieldname you have excluded in the queryset. In you case, you have query only name by calling values. Are you sure it is necessary to use values function ? In most cases, You do not need to retrieve dictionnary of values.

    Django explains usage of values function here:

    pubs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book'))
    pubs = Publisher.objects.values('book').annotate(num_books=Count('book'))
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  3. Summing up:

    1. column ... must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function indicates mishandled aggregate functions, or the structure you’re dealing with is not what you expected it to be. The latter turned out to be the case here, due to uncontrolled structure change, failed deploy.

    2. It’s useful to inspect and compare the target structures, especially if you faced difficulties altering them without a clean restore from a reliable backup – in this case it’s prod/dev, but you can also check before/after against a backup, for forensics/post-mortem. On most platforms, you can do so with pg_dump and diff (or similarly any alternative):

      diff --suppress-common-lines --side-by-side <( 
      pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username='your_user' --no-password 
              --format=plain --schema-only 
              dev_database ) <( 
      pg_dump --host= --port=5432 --username='your_user' --no-password 
              --format=plain  --schema-only 
              prod_database )

      (substitute you connection parameters and object names)

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