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I have a need to get the max number of records from a table and concatenate that number at the end of the field name, starting at 1 and ending at the max number of records:

field1 cnt
Car 4
Truck 3

The final results need to be exportable in the format:


I cant use RAISE as I need more than a message in this instance. It has to be data output so the results can be used downstream.



  1. If that’s your table (matching your description):

    CREATE TABLE tbl1 (
      tbl_id serial PRIMARY KEY
    , field1 text

    Then row_number() works:

    SELECT field1 || '|' || row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY field1)
    FROM   tbl1;

    If that’s your table (your sample data):

    CREATE TABLE tbl2 (
      tbl_id serial PRIMARY KEY
    , field1 text
    , cnt int

    Then generate_series() does the job:

    SELECT field1 || '|' ||  g
    FROM   tbl2, generate_series(1, cnt) g;


    Neither loop nor recursion are needed either way.

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  2. Below are two approaches to achieving the described results. The first uses a recursive common table expression (CTE) and is a close analog to loops in procedural languages. When working with databases, it is useful to break away from procedural thinking and instead embrace set based approaches. A set based approach is demonstrated in the second query.

    WITH RECURSIVE parms(field1, cnt) AS (
      VALUES ('Car', 4),
             ('Truck', 3)
    cte(field1, cnt, n) AS (
      SELECT parms.field1, parms.cnt, 1 AS n
        FROM parms
       WHERE parms.cnt > 0
      SELECT cte.field1, cte.cnt, cte.n + 1 AS n
        FROM cte
       WHERE cte.n < cte.cnt
    SELECT cte.field1 || '|' || cte.n::text AS result
      FROM cte
     ORDER BY cte.field1, cte.n;
    WITH parms(field1, cnt) AS (
      VALUES ('Car', 4),
             ('Truck', 3)
    c AS (
      SELECT generate_series(1, MAX(parms.cnt)) AS n
        FROM parms
    SELECT parms.field1 || '|' || c.n::text AS result
      FROM parms
        JOIN c ON c.n <= parms.cnt
     ORDER BY parms.field1, c.n;
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  3. Let’s use a temporary table with integers until …. well basically the max number that will be needed, like (SELECT max(cnt) FROM mytable;), but let’s stick to 10 for now:

    with recursive abc as (
        select 1 as x 
        union all 
        select x+1 
        from abc 
        where x<10) 
    select * from abc;

    Then you can do an INNER JOIN:

    with recursive abc as (
        select 1 as x 
        union all 
        select x+1 
        from abc 
        where x<10) 
    select * 
    from mytable
    inner join abc on abc.x <= mytable.cnt
    order by field1, x;

    or, if we really need the desired output:

    with recursive abc as (
        select 1 as x 
        union all 
        select x+1 
        from abc 
        where x<10) 
    select CONCAT(field1,'|',x) as result 
    from mytable
    inner join abc on abc.x <= mytable.cnt
    order by field1, x;

    see: DBFIDDLE

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