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I was wondering if there is a more efficient way than scrolling up every command history to find what I need, such as searching for specific characters in a command when writing in the PostgreSQL server. I am running iTerm in macOS and I know this can be done using Control + R but this does not work when I am writing in the PostgreSQL server. Are there any ways around this?

For example, as I am frequently working with the Apache AGE extension, I will always need to SET the search path and LOAD the extension manually each time the PostgreSQL server is started. I know that the search path can be defined permanently using commands and that the postgresql.conf file can be modified as well, but I just want to know if I can search for specific characters in my command history.

By writing in the PostgreSQL server, I mean when writing in SQL query after running the bin/psql command:

➜  pgsql-12 bin/psql --port=5431 test1
psql (12.14)
Type "help" for help.




  1. Regarding loading AGE automatically without needing to type it every time, you can go to your database folder and change the postgresql.conf file with shared_preload_libraries = 'age' and also search_path = 'ag_catalog, "$user", public' these variables will be initially set as comments, so it is needed to remove the " # " to apply these changes.

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  2. Update:

    One way to get auto suggestions from history is by using pgcli instead of psql

    pgcli autocomplete

    On most terminals ctrl+shift+f or cmd+f opens the find menu:

    Alternatively, instead of ‘scrolling up’ you can use the s command to print the psql’s command line history.

    postgresDB=# s
    LOAD 'age';
    SET search_path TO ag_catalog;

    Aditionally, this history can be written to a file using s filename.

    postgresDB=# s test
    Wrote history to file "test".

    Now, psql commands in this file (or any other file) can be executed by using i filename.

    postgresDB=# i test
    psql:test:2: ERROR:  extension "age" already exists
                     List of installed extensions
      Name   | Version |   Schema   |         Description
     age     | 1.1.0   | ag_catalog | AGE database extension
     plpgsql | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language

    You can read more about these psql commands here

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