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I have a table and I want to select all unique values of all attributes in one query.

For example table Person with 3 columns name, age, city.


Name age city
Alex 34 New York
Leo 34 London
Roy 20 London
Alex 28 Moscow
Mike 36 London

And I want to have a result with unique values of every attribute

Name age city
Alex 20 New York
Leo 28 London
Roy 34 Moscow

Is it possible to do this query?

I tried to make some queries with DISTINCT and UNION, but the result with always a multiplication of rows.



  1. This is not how relational databases work, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

    You can do:

    select, b.age,
    from (select distinct name, row_number() over() as rn from t) a
    full join (select distinct age, row_number() over() as rn from t) b on b.rn = a.rn
    full join (select distinct city, row_number() over() as rn from t) c
      on c.rn = coalesce(a.rn, b.rn)
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  2. One option is to aggregate into array, then unnest those arrays:

    select x.*
    from (
      select array_agg(distinct name) as names, 
             array_agg(distinct age) as ages,
             array_agg(distinct city) as cities
      from the_table
    ) d
      cross join lateral unnest(d.names, d.ages, d.cities) with ordinality as x(name, age, city);

    I would expect this to be quite slow if you really have many distinct values ("millions"), but if you only expect very few distinct values ("hundreds" or "thousands") , then this might be OK.

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