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I have I have a column address with the string like this:

Tow 10 Floor 223, Ward AA BB, District CC DD, City E F


Tow 110 Floor 23, Ward BB AA, District DD CC, City F E


(more than 10000 lines)

I want to split this string into separate columns, remove the characters after the 2nd comma and insert column with split value into my table.

Look like this:

Tow Floor Ward
10 223 AA BB
110 23 BB AA



  1. Use split_part(), which doesn’t support regex so you’ll have to nuke the commas:

         split_part(replace(address, ', ', ''), ' ', 2) as tow,
         split_part(replace(address, ', ', ''), ' ', 4) as floor,
         split_part(replace(address, ', ', ''), ' ', 6) || ' ' || split_part(replace(address, ', ', ''), ' ', 7) as ward
    from mytable
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  2. Using regexp_match:

    select (regexp_match(address, '(?<=Tows)d+'))[1] tow,
           (regexp_match(address, '(?<=Floors)d+'))[1] floor,
           (regexp_match(address, '(?<=Wards)[^,]+'))[1] ward
    from tbl

    See fiddle.

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