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column name "note" – json type

data in one cell of the column is written in the following way :-


interval note column containing data

how to find value of key text which contains ‘bb’
which postgersql query can be used to find results

I used below query which works but if someone gives value as userid or text then it shows wrong result

I’m using Postgres 10.20 version

select distinct(workflowid) 
from cyto_records r 
  join cyto_record_results rr on (r.recordid = rr.recordid) 
where rr.interval_note::text LIKE '%aaa%';



  1. Try using JSON_EXTRACT

    SELECT A.* FROM (    
    SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(note, '$.text') as val FROM cyto_records) A
    WHERE A.val = 'bb'


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  2. For Postgres versions 11 and older, you need to iterate over the array elements:

    select distinct r.workflowid
    from cyto_records r 
      join cyto_record_results rr on r.recordid = rr.recordid
    where exists (select *
                  from json_array_elements(rr.interval_note) as x(item)
                  where x.item ->> 'text' like '%bb%')

    If you are using Postgres 12 or newer, you can use a JSON path expression:

    select distinct r.workflowid
    from cyto_records r 
      join cyto_record_results rr on r.recordid = rr.recordid
    where rr.interval_note @@ '$[*].text like_regex "bb"'

    This assumes that interval_note is defined with the recommended type jsonb. If it’s not, you need to cast it: interval_note::jsonb

    Unrelated to your question, but: the distinct operator is not a function.
    Enclosing a column after that in parentheses is useless won’t change a thing distinct (a),b is the same as distinct a,(b) or distinct a,b

    In fact it’s an "option" to the SELECT keyword: SELECT ALL vs. SELECT DISTINCT – similar to UNION ALL and UNION DISTINCT.

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  3. I would suggest to first flatten using lateral join and then perform ‘plain’ select.
    Postgres version before 12:

    select distinct workflowid
    from cyto_records r 
      join cyto_record_results rr on (r.recordid = rr.recordid), 
      lateral (select j->>'text' from json_array_elements(rr.interval_note) j) l(txt)
    where txt ~ 'bb';

    Postgres version 12+ using jsonb_path_query:

    select distinct workflowid
    from from cyto_records r 
      join cyto_record_results rr on (r.recordid = rr.recordid), 
      lateral jsonb_path_query(rr.interval_note, '$[*].text') txt
    where txt::text ~ 'bb';
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