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The following SQL works well; it gives me the result I want for the counts and percentage: (please use EXTRACT (YEAR|MONTH|DAY …) where required):

SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
       ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
   FROM my_data
   WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
   GROUP BY yr, mth, dy
   ORDER BY 1,2,3

But if I introduce the ROLLUP in, I get the cnt totals fine but not the totals for percentages where the window expression is used:

SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
       ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
   FROM my_data
   WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
   GROUP BY yr, ROLLUP (mth, dy)    -- ROLLUP does not give the the result I expect to see for the percentage column
   ORDER BY 1,2,3

Does anybody knows why? I am using Postgresql v12.

I have this alternative solution with tricks, but it is weird the one above doesn’t work:

WITH my_data(evt_date, foo) AS
      (SELECT '2023-11-01'::DATE, 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-01', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-02', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-02', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'Z' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-02', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-02', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'Z' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'W' 
    totals AS
      (SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
               ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
           FROM my_data
           WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
           GROUP BY yr, mth, dy 
           ORDER BY 1,2,3 
   SELECT yr, mth, dy, SUM(cnt) AS cnt, SUM(prct) AS prct --<-- Fake SUM() to be able to use ROLLUP
     FROM totals
     GROUP BY yr, ROLLUP (mth, dy)  --- Only way? for ROLLUP to handle the percentage column well
      ORDER BY 1,2,3



  1. The behaviour of ROLLUP is to generate subtotals along with grand totals for the column on which it is specified, but it doesn’t work well with the window functions because Rollup introduces additional rows to the result which can affect the calculation of the window functions.
    Possible Solution : Try using a subquery to calculate the total count for each group before applying the window function

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  2. See example.
    First, prct calculation can be before ROLLUP.

    And, You calculate sum()over(partition by yr,mth), therefore ROLLUP can be (dy).

    select yr,mth,dy,sum(prct) pct
    from (
    SELECT extract(year from evt_date) AS yr
       , extract(MONTH from evt_date) AS mth
       , extract(DAY from evt_date) AS dy
       , COUNT(*) AS cnt
       , ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / 
               OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year from evt_date), extract(MONTH from evt_date)))
          , 2) AS prct
    FROM my_data
    WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
    GROUP BY evt_date
    group by yr,mth,rollup(dy)
    ORDER BY 1,2,3


    yr mth dy pct
    2023 11 1 50.00
    2023 11 2 50.00
    2023 11 null 100.00
    2024 1 1 33.33
    2024 1 2 22.22
    2024 1 3 44.44
    2024 1 null 99.99

    With partition by yr and rollup(mth,dy)

    select yr,mth,dy,sum(prct) pct
    from (
    SELECT extract(year from evt_date) AS yr
       , extract(MONTH from evt_date) AS mth
       , extract(DAY from evt_date) AS dy
       , COUNT(*) AS cnt
       , ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / 
               OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year from evt_date)))
          , 2) AS prct
    FROM my_data
    WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
    GROUP BY evt_date
    group by yr,rollup(mth,dy)
    ORDER BY 1,2,3


    yr mth dy pct
    2023 11 1 50.00
    2023 11 2 50.00
    2023 11 null 100.00
    2023 null null 100.00
    2024 1 1 33.33
    2024 1 2 22.22
    2024 1 3 44.44
    2024 1 null 99.99
    2024 null null 99.99

    I do not know what the point is here.

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