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I need to fetch data like the below:

from public.user u
where u.reporting_id in (select from public.user u
                         where u.reporting_id = ?)

is there any best way of doing same in PostgreSQL



  1. To query data from a self-referencing table in PostgreSQL, you can use a recursive Common Table Expression (CTE) with the WITH RECURSIVE clause. This allows you to traverse the hierarchical structure of the table.

    Here’s an example of how you could query all employees and their hierarchical structure:

    WITH RECURSIVE EmployeeHierarchy AS (
    SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 
    FROM employees
    WHERE manager_id IS NULL -- Root level 
     employees (those without a manager)
    SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, 
    FROM employees e
    JOIN EmployeeHierarchy eh ON e.manager_id = eh.employee_id
    SELECT * FROM EmployeeHierarchy;

    This query creates a recursive CTE named EmployeeHierarchy that starts with employees who don’t have a manager (manager_id IS NULL) and then recursively joins with employees who have the same manager, continuing the hierarchy. Adjust the column names based on your actual table structure.

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  2. It depends on what you want to achieve.
    For listing users 2 levels down from user 9 for example (users who report to users under user 9), your query (aliasing aside) is not only only correct, it’s the best approach, easiest to optimize by the planner.

    from public.user u
    where u.reporting_id in(select id from public.user
                            where reporting_id = 9);

    If you actually want the entire structure under user 9, dynamically, regardless of how many levels deep it runs, you’ll need recursion:

    with recursive cte as (
      select reporting_id as super, id as sub
      from public.user where id=9
     union all
      select a.sub as super, as sub
      from cte a left join public.user b on a.sub=b.reporting_id
      where a.sub is not null
    ) cycle super set is_cycle using path
    select * from cte where not is_cycle limit 42;

    Under the hood, it is not actually recursive – it does the job iteratively, re-evaluating the second select and attaching more rows in each round until it reaches a point when it finds nothing or hits a limit.

    It’s always advised that you add that limit clause outside to avoid running out of memory if you do something wrong, as well as cycle detection if your structure isn’t guarded against loops, where a row can link to itself or a sequence of links can result in a closed loop of relations.

    Demo at db<>fiddle

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