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I have such table (simplified)

id pos neu neg
x 1 2 3
y 4 2 1
z 1 5 2

I use PostgreSQL and my goal is to get greatest value for each row, so i use next query:

SELECT id, GREATEST(pos, neg, neu) FROM my_table;

In response i have smth like:

id greatest
x 3
y 4
z 5

But is there a way i can know which column these values are belong to?

Expected smth like:

id greatest column
x 3 neg
y 4 pos
z 5 neu



  1. You could use a case expression such as this:

    select id, greatest(pos, neg, neu),
      case greatest(pos, neg, neu) 
        when pos then 'pos' 
        when neg then 'neg' 
        when neu then 'neu' 
      end as ColumnName
    from t;
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  2. There is an elegant solution that is independent of the number of columns:

    select distinct on (id) 
        value as greatest, 
        key as column
    from my_table t
    cross join jsonb_each(to_jsonb(t)- 'id')
    order by id, value desc;

    Test it in db<>fiddle.

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