Using the vertex_stats()
on the vertex of a graph we can load the contexts of the vertex in the graph. Where are they stored when they are loaded and what is the exact use of having the "stats" loaded? And how to make use of them?
Question posted in PostgreSQL
The official documentation can be found here.
The official documentation can be found here.
function provides important information about the degree and self-loop properties of vertices in a graph.These statistics can be useful for identifying important vertices in a graph, as highly connected vertices may be indicative of important nodes in a network.
Additionally, the statistics can be used to optimize graph algorithms by providing information about the structure of the graph that can be used to optimize traversal or other graph operations.
Using the vertex_stats() function, we can load the contexts of the vertex in the graph.
Vertex_stats() is a function in Apache AGE. It is used to get states about any vertex in the graph.
This function returns following details:
Where are they stored?
This function do not tells us where they are stored, it just tells us the id.
When they are loaded?
This function do not tells us when the vertex was loaded.
What is the exact use of having the "vertex_stats()" loaded?
This function returns following details which can be used to execute some queries:
And how to make use of them?
You can use in this function in the following queries: