I have configured and installed PostgreSQL V13.5,
wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v13.5/postgresql-13.5.tar.gz && tar -xvf postgresql-13.5.tar.gz && rm -f postgresql-13.5.tar.gz
./configure --enable-debug --enable-cassert --prefix=$(pwd) CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
make install
Then I cloned Apache-age release/PG13/1.3.0 from:
Now I am trying to configure Apache-Age with PostgreSQL.
sudo make PG_CONFIG=/home/kamleshk/age_installation/ageV1.3_installation/pg/postgresql-13.5/bin/pg_config install
But it returns this error:
What can be the possible issue?
Deleting the clone Age repo and cloning it again solved the issue.
According to official documentation Apache AGE supports only Postgres version 11 and 12. This error can occur due to version mismatch.
You should also avoid using master branch of Apache AGE. It can be done using the following command:
git checkout release/PG12/1.1.0.
You can follow this guide for the installation process.
Postgres and Apache Age Installation