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I have a PostgreSQL (version 12.15) database with a table like this:

id created_at number chat_id
2023-08-10 21:44:19.272299 0 27936
2023-08-09 10:32:28.850167 0 27936
2023-08-08 17:32:11.207523 0 27936
2023-08-07 17:16:52.068309 0 27936
2023-08-06 17:15:47.014364 0 27936

This result was received from a query

FROM _table_name 
WHERE chat_id = '27936' 
ORDER BY created_at DESC

To put down the value of number, I execute the following queries:

CREATE VIEW view_message 
    SELECT * 
    FROM _message 
    ORDER BY created_at;

CREATE RULE rule_message AS ON UPDATE TO view_message
    DO INSTEAD UPDATE _message SET number = NEW.number WHERE id =;

UPDATE view_message
SET number = create_sequence_number(chat_id::text);

But after it I run

FROM _table_name 
WHERE chat_id = '27936' 
ORDER BY created_at DESC

again, I get an output like this (number values are wrong):

id created_at number chat_id
2023-08-10 21:44:19.272299 83 27936
2023-08-09 10:32:28.850167 82 27936
2023-08-08 17:32:11.207523 33 27936
2023-08-07 17:16:52.068309 82 27936
2023-08-06 17:15:47.014364 120 27936

number was to be maxed out for the topmost line and decremented by one for each successive.

It seems that ORDER BY created_at was not taken into account when creating view. But still I do not understand what exactly happened and why the error happened.

create_sequence_number is the function that generates a sequence number depending on the passed id value.



  1. Create View

    CREATE VIEW defines a view of a query. The view is not physically materialized. Instead, the query is run every time the view is referenced in a query.

    create table order_test(id integer, fld_1 varchar);
    insert into order_test values (1, 'dog'), (2, 'fish'), (3, 'cat');
    select * from order_test;
     id | fld_1 
      1 | dog
      2 | fish
      3 | cat
    (3 rows)
    create view vw_order_test as select * from order_test order by fld_1;
    select * from vw_order_test ;
     id | fld_1 
      3 | cat
      1 | dog
      2 | fish
    (3 rows)
    insert into order_test values (4, 'aardvark');
    select * from order_test;
     id |  fld_1   
      1 | dog
      2 | fish
      3 | cat
      4 | aardvark
    select * from vw_order_test ;
     id |  fld_1   
      4 | aardvark
      3 | cat
      1 | dog
      2 | fish

    The ordering is honored.


    create table big_table(id integer, fld_1 numeric);
    insert into big_table select a, random() * 1000 from generate_series(1, 100000) as t(a);
      id   |        fld_1        
          1 |    763.817657064134
          2 |    980.199684623081
          3 |    244.682555561287
          4 |    643.861135921256
          5 |    144.942847930761
    99996 |    230.111102236449
      99997 |    127.037526956709
      99998 |    66.7148919657663
      99999 |    749.832473831365
     100000 |    504.281936762339
    create view vw_big_table as select * from big_table order by fld_1;
      id   |        fld_1        
       4858 | 0.00708054987086371
      68190 |  0.0139485327323996
      45454 |     0.0247458957503
      92812 |  0.0274875299197674
     22411 |    999.978586972237
      55171 |    999.980785632108
      44598 |    999.987221914829
      30712 |    999.993384242487
      18883 |     999.99984164636
    explain select * from vw_big_table ;
                                   QUERY PLAN                               
     Sort  (cost=9854.82..10104.82 rows=100000 width=15)
       Sort Key: big_table.fld_1
       ->  Seq Scan on big_table  (cost=0.00..1550.00 rows=100000 width=15)

    This remains the same if I go to 1000000 rows or 10000000 rows.

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  2. You can’t actually update a view. Only tables can be updated. The statement update view is converted to update table (possibly with some restrictions).

    order by is only applied to the rowset returned from a select. It doesn’t affect the order rows are accessed in the table, but your update statement is sensitive to access order.

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