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In the shared plan index scan cost is very high (cost=0.56..696715.50

But Limit (cost=0.56..224.59 is very low

and so on result cost Result (cost=224.59..224.60 rows=1 width=8)

why it is so?

Right now I will consider this query harmless as it looks like the final cost is 224.59 only on CPU so this is not a CPU loading query.

Postgresql version is 14.

explain analyze 
select min(ticketenti0_.created_at) as col_0_0_
  from ticket ticketenti0_
 where ticketenti0_.status=0
   and ticketenti0_.is_spam_ticket='false'
   and ticketenti0_.portal_id=0000
   and ( in (14 , 15 , 868 , 15 , 868 , 14));


Result  (cost=224.59..224.60 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=9275.462..9275.464 rows=1 loops=1)   
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)     
->  Limit  (cost=0.56..224.59 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=9275.460..9275.461 rows=0 loops=1)           
      ->  Index Scan using idx_ticket_created_at_status_portal_id_group on ticket ticketenti0_  
           (cost=0.56..696715.50 rows=3110 width=8) (actual time=9275.458..9275.458 rows=0 loops=1)                 
          Index Cond: ((created_at IS NOT NULL) AND (status = 0) AND (portal_id = 0000))                 
          Filter: ((NOT is_spam_ticket) AND (group = ANY ('{14,15,868,15,868,14}'::bigint[])))                 
          Rows Removed by Filter: 148605

Planning Time: 0.926 ms
Execution Time: 9275.498 ms



  1. It’s not totally clear what your question is.

    This query can be accelerated by a covering index:

    CREATE INDEX idx_status_spam_portal_group_created
           ON ticket USING BTREE
           (status, is_spam_ticket, portal_id, group, created_at);

    Your query can be satisfied by a series of range scans on that index.

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  2. The cost estimate reported in the index scan is the estimate for if it were to run to completion. The LIMIT node then de-rates that estimate to account for the (estimated) early stopping.

    Right now I will consider this query harmless as it looks like the final cost is 224.59 only on CPU so this is not a CPU loading query.

    The query take 9 seconds. Most people would consider that to be too slow. That it is poorly estimated should not be a cause of comfort, when you have the actual time staring you in the face.

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