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I am making a React-Native mobile application and want to incorporate Firebase and Firebase Authentication. However, I am facing this error when I run ‘pod install’ or ‘pod update’:

enter image description here

I did some research and found out that this issue has not yet been resolved by Google (, but I came across a workaround ( which said to add a version specifier to the Podfile: pod ‘FirebaseAuth’, ‘>= 9.6.0’. However, even after I added the line into the Podfile in my iOS folder, the same error still persists. May I know if I’m doing something wrongly?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Unfortunately, while Alex's answer did help with my original error, I was unable to solve the 2nd error in my comment above. What I did instead was to restart the creation of the app. This time, however, rather than connecting the app to Dialogflow first, I linked the app to Firebase Auth first, and then adding Dialogflow. This worked for me and I managed to build the app with no issues. Hope this helps someone.

  2. I stumbled upon the same issue. It seems it’s a compatibility issue with the latest Firesbase SDK version (10).

    For now something that worked for me is to place this at the top of the Podfile:

    $FirebaseSDKVersion = '9.6.0' (Docs)

    This overrides the default firebase sdk and assures it uses the downgraded version.

    Now just execute pod install and give a try. If it doesn’t work try removing the Podfile.lock and the Pods folder and try again.

    BTW I didn’t need this line in the Podfile as one of the resources you shared mentioned:

    pod ‘FirebaseAuth’, ‘>= 9.6.0’

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  3. What helped me is to add this into my pod file.

    pod 'GTMSessionFetcher', :modular_headers => true

    and then run

    arch -x86_64 pod update GTMSessionFetcher/Core
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  4. try to delete Podfile.lock and run cd ios && pod install --repo-update

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