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I’m using M1 chip and xCode 13.4.1. I get the following React Native error while executing the app in the simulator:

The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User] Generate Specs /Users/Ibra/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Mario-girhlsdkqiibhqhflwlyrybpo/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target ‘FBReactNativeSpec’ from project ‘Pods’)
(1 failure)

The problem persists even when I start a brand-new React Native project and try to execute it on iOS. What led to the error and how can it be fixed?

Thank you



  1. it has multiple solutions:

    1. to solve this run this command in terminal in ios folder , pod deintegrate and install pod with the commad pod install
    2. Restart your Mac , it is some time due to cache, delete derived data and logs from XCode -> Prefrences and location
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  2. I faced same issue and I figured out following solutions:

    • What worked for me was npx react-native-clean-project and choosing y for all options, this will clean your React Native project by purging caches and modules, and reinstalling them again.

    And here’re some solutions that worked for others:

    • If you’re using nvm, nvm unalias default could solve the issue.
    • This error could be due to Xcode can’t find your node path, so try sudo ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin/node
    • Delete node_modules then cd ios && pod deintegrate then reinstall node modules and npx react-native start --reset-cache
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  3. I solve this issue with below procedure:

    1. Keychain Access > Cetificates > Login
    2. Find any Apple Certificate that has the blue + symbol
    3. Change it to "Use System Defaults" and close it.
    4. You’ll see a pop up. Type in your password to update settings.
    5. Close Keychain. Open your project, clean build files and run.

    Note: Mac with M1, Xcode 14.1

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  4. Described answers didn’t help me, but I started reading error description: and I found out that in error description on the line 2: my folder’s name was written partially. Folder name consisted 2 words divided by 1 space example: "My folder" in the error was written just "My". I just changed folder’s name to "MyFolder" and it helped me to fix the problem

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