I am having hard times visualizing my sqlite database , i am using react native under expo with drizzle ORM to manage a sqlite database locally , the issues is that when i run all the setup commands it says that the tables of the schema are created successfully but when i try to visualize the database i can not find the .sqlite file to open it in sqlite studio or something , idk if it is an issue with my code or is it just that drizzle issue?
code : drizzle.config.ts
import type { Config } from 'drizzle-kit';
export default {
schema: './db/schema.ts',
out: './drizzle',
dialect: 'sqlite',
driver: 'expo',
} satisfies Config;
Yes using drizzle studio solved the issue but i recommend using it only in dev mode , if you build your app with it the app crashes in production .
The problem is that the sqlite file is inside the iOS/Android Simulator not in your project.
You can use expo-drizzle-studio-plugin to view the database.