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On web, you can get any element by its position:

document.elementFromPoint(x, y)

Is there something similar in React Native? Can it be done with a native bridge (Java/Objective C)?

I would like to get an element on screen by position X and Y (Ignoring empty places and following transformation or styling calculations like padding, margin, borderRadius) then set it a native prop or dispatch events.

OBS: I’m not referring to onLayout property or any other declared in the component’s construction/render, my idea is from any X and Y position get an element that corresponds to these coordinates then get a reference to it. A use case for example: Create a virtual cursor that dispatch click events on correct components, following margin/padding and ignoring pointerEvents none.

Image Example



  1. You can use onLayout prop of React Native components.
    You should check this link

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  2. Yes you can get your current elemnts position like in. 2 ways,

    1. onLayout
    2. suppose on click of that element you want to know that location

    assign a ref to that

    const newRef = useRef();
    onButtonPress = () => {
    newRef?.current?.measureInWindow( (fx, fy, width, height, px, py) => {
                console.log('Component width is: ' + width)
                console.log('Component height is: ' + height)
                console.log('X offset to frame: ' + fx)
                console.log('Y offset to frame: ' + fy)
                console.log('X offset to page: ' + px)
                console.log('Y offset to page: ' + py)
    const onLayout=(event)=> {
        const {x, y, height, width} = event.nativeEvent.layout;
    <TouchableOpacity ref={useRef} onLayout={onLayout} onPress={onButtonPress} >
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