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I am new to React Native and I try to implement a "reset feature" in my game.
And allthough the game data is reset correctly I can’t find out how to rerender the components that are displaying the elements…

Note: some components have been simplified, but they should still reflect the purpose

My gameData is structured as follows:

    "puzzles" : [
        { "id": 0, "icon": "0", "codes": ["abc], "unlocked": true },
        { "id": 1, "icon": "1", "codes": ["def"] },
        { "id": 2, "icon": "2", "codes": ["ghi"] }

so the types for this are

export type GameData = {
    puzzles: Puzzle[],

export type Puzzle = {
    id: number,
    icon: string,
    codes: string[],
    unlocked: boolean,

In my game I create a gameContext that allows unlocking the individual Puzzles and (if you want to start over) resetting the state. Therefore I initially load the gameData from a json and from there on I save the unlocked states in the AsyncStorage (for a better overview I removed the save & load part – this works fine):

const game = (() => {
    // load the initial state from file
    const gameData: GameData = require('./gamedata.json');

    async function unlockPuzzle(item: Puzzle) {
        item.unlocked = true;
        // save to AsyncStorage
        saveItemState("puzzle",, true); 

    async function loadProgress() {
        gameData.puzzles.forEach((item) => {
            // load from AsyncStorage
            loadItemState("puzzle", => {
                item.unlocked ||= unlocked;

    async function resetProgress() {
        console.log("reset progress");
        gameData.puzzles.forEach((item) => {
            item.unlocked = false;
            // save to AsyncStorage
            saveItemState("puzzle",, item.unlocked); 

    return {
}) ();

export const gameContext = createContext(game);

Now I created a PuzzleCard component to render the Puzzle items:

export type PuzzleCardProps = {item: Puzzle} & View['props'];
export function PuzzleCard(props: PuzzleCardProps) {
    const game = useContext(gameContext);
    const { item, ...otherProps } = props;  
    const [unlocked, setUnlocked] = useState(item.unlocked);
    const handlePress = function() {
    return  <Pressable onPress={handlePress} style={styles.card}>
                <Text style={styles.cardIcon}>{item.icon}</Text>
                <Text style={styles.cardState}>{unlocked ? "🔓" : "🔒"}</Text>

and added these items to a list on a tab in my application:

        <View style={styles.container}>
            { Puzzle, index: number) => {
                return  <PuzzleCard key={index} item={puzzle}/>

Everything works fine so far: If the PuzzleCard is clicked, then

  1. the matching Puzzle item is unlocked
  2. the state is stored to AsyncStorage
  3. the PuzzleCard is updated (the state changes from "🔓" to "🔒")

Now I want to add a button on a different view in the application to reset the progress, when the player wants to start all over:

export function ResetButton() {
    const game = useContext(gameContext);
    return <Pressable onPress={ game.resetProgress(); }>Reset</Pressable>

Resetting works as intended (in the background)

  1. all Puzzle items are locked
  2. the state is stored to AsyncStorage


  1. the list of PuzzleCards is NOT updated (state remains "🔒")

If I reload the app / refresh the browser, all items are rerendered and displayed correctly with the new (reset) state.

How can I make sure, that my app rerenders to reflect the changes? (without the need of a reload)



  1. In your context you should use a state to store the data you send, so the updates can be hooked by the components using it.

    For example, you can use a state for gameData

    const [gameData, setGameData] = useState(require('./gamedata.json'));

    Then update it with the setGameData function

    async function resetProgress() {
        puzzles: => {
          item.unlocked = false;
          saveItemState("puzzle",, item.unlocked); 
          return item;

    That way, the parts of the template that render the data of gameData context will be updated everytime setGameData is called.

    Does this approach suit you ?

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  2. It seems like you are not fully understanding the use of context within React. Your gameData is not stateful and therefore will not trigger any re-render of any components relying on it.

    const jsonGameData: GameData = require('./gamedata.json');
    const GameContext = createContext({
     gameData: undefined as GameData | undefined,
     unlockPuzzle: (item: Puzzle) => void
    const GameContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
     const [gameData, setGameData] = useState<GameData>(jsonGameData)
     async function unlockPuzzle(item: Puzzle) {
       item.unlocked = true;
       // save to AsyncStorage
       const newState = await saveItemState("puzzle",, true);  // Make sure to return the new state
       // Setting the state will trigger a re-render of your components
     return <GameContext.Provider value={{
    // App.tsx
    const App = () => {
      // ... your app
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