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I am working on a React Native app. I am using Formik for my forms. And now my requirement is I have a TextInput where the user will type a price. This input field should add comma separators for 1000s for example if I type 10000 the input field should show as 10,000 and if I type 100000 it should show as 100,000. How to do that. FYI my TextInput is imported from React Native Paper

Below is my code:

  style={{ width: "auto", marginBottom: 10 }}
  label="Starting Price"
  left={<TextInput.Affix text="LKR" />}



  1. You have an handleChange function. You can use this code in your function.

    This is an example

    const number = 100000;
    const commaNumber = number.toLocaleString();

    Output is: 100,000

    I hope it helps.

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  2. Format a price string before showing it in TextInput and remove formatting before storing it. Something like this:

    const [price, setPrice] = React.useState('');
      onChangeText={(value) => setPrice(value.replaceAll(',', ''))}
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  3. Here is the example. That can help you.

    The Number.prototype.toLocaleString() method is used to format a number into a string representation according to the specified locale and formatting options. This method provides a way to automatically format numbers based on the user’s locale, including adding commas for thousands separation and specifying decimal points.

    const number = 1234567.89;
    // Using default formatting (based on user's locale)
    const formattedNumberDefault = number.toLocaleString();
    console.log(formattedNumberDefault); // Output depends on user's locale
    // Specifying a specific locale (e.g., en-US)
    const formattedNumberUS = number.toLocaleString('en-US');
    console.log(formattedNumberUS); // Output: "1,234,567.89"
    // Specifying options for formatting
    const options = {
      style: 'decimal',  // Other options: 'currency', 'percent', etc.
      minimumFractionDigits: 2,
      maximumFractionDigits: 2,
    const formattedWithOptions = number.toLocaleString('en-US', options);
    console.log(formattedWithOptions); // Output: "1,234,567.89"

    This method also handles scientific notation numbers, commonly known as exponential notation, which are represented using the format x * 10^y, where x is a coefficient and y is the exponent.

    const scientificNumber = 1.234e6; // 1.234 * 10^6 = 1234000
    // Using default formatting (based on user's locale)
    const formattedScientificDefault = scientificNumber.toLocaleString();
    console.log(formattedScientificDefault); // Output depends on user's locale
    // Specifying a specific locale (e.g., en-US)
    const formattedScientificUS = scientificNumber.toLocaleString('en-US');
    console.log(formattedScientificUS); // Output: "1,234,000"
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