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How to check the quality of image in react native like if I want to take 60%. Quality image so how to get it

I tried it through pixel resolution but it didn’t work



  1. If you are using react-native-image-picker for uploading images, you can set maxWidth, maxHeight or quality of image for reducing the size in options.

    const options = {
        title: 'Select Picture',
        storageOptions: {
            skipBackup: true,
            path: 'images',
        maxWidth: 500,
        maxHeight: 500,
        quality: 0.5,

    Or if you want to fit in the image in any View you can use resizeMode property of Image which has the type enum('cover', 'contain', 'stretch', 'repeat', 'center').

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  2. you can user react-native-image-picker library and can restrict user for image quality to upload and you can edit rest of the parameters on the basis of your requirements.

    const result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
        mediaTypes: "Images",
        allowsEditing: true,
        base64: true,
        quality: 0.6,
    if (!result.cancelled) {
        const fileSize = result.base64.length * (3 / 4) - 2;
        if (fileSize > 6000000) {
        } else {
            const base64 = `data:image/png;base64,${result.base64}`;
            await dispatch(myExampleAction(base64));
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