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I need to generate style based on provided string.
For example "color:red;fontsize:12" to parse and apply to Text element

const ss = StyleSheet.create({
            someStyle: {
                fontSize: 12,

What I could find is that only values can be dynamic, not properties.

let a = 'red';
let b = 12;

        const ss = StyleSheet.create({
            someStyle: {
                color: a,
                fontSize: b,

Something like this could be great if there is any option.

       const ss = StyleSheet.create();
       let someStyle = ss.addChild("someStyle");
       someStyle.addChild("color", "red");
       someStyle.addChild("fontsize", "12");

Thank you.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Found solution.

    Simple example:

       const propertyName = 'color';
       const propertyValue = 'red';
       const dynamicObject = {
         [propertyName]: propertyValue,
       <Text style={dynamicObject}>test</Text>

    More complex:

      const properties: string[] = ['color', 'fontSize', 'padding'];
      const values: (string | number)[] = ['red', 35, 10];
      const dynamicStyle: { [key: string]: string | number } = properties.reduce((style, property: string, index: number) => {
        style[property] = values[index];
        return style;
      }, {} as { [key: string]: string | number });
      <Text style={dynamicStyle}>test</Text>

    So key is that inside [ ] can be property name.

    styles: Record<string, string | number> = {};

    and now can add as many key-value pairs as needed.

    styles[propName] = value;

    Thank you!

  2. you can do similiar to my component

    export const Flex: React.FC<
      FlexProps & LayoutProps & {children?: React.ReactNode}
    > = ({children, w = '100%', align = 'center', flexDir = 'row', ...args}) => {
      return (
            ...getLayoutShort({align, flexDir, w, ...args}),
    // and 
    const getLayoutShort = (args: LayoutProps) => {
      return {
        width: args?.w ?? args?.width,
        height: args?.h ?? args?.height,
        margin: args?.m ?? args?.margin,
        padding: args?.p ?? args?.padding,
        paddingTop: args?.pt ?? args?.paddingTop,
        paddingLeft: args?.pl ?? args?.paddingLeft,
        paddingRight: args?.pr ?? args?.paddingRight,
        paddingBottom: args?.pb ?? args?.paddingBottom,
        paddingVertical: args?.py ?? args?.paddingVertical,
        paddingHorizontal: args?.px ?? args?.paddingHorizontal,
        marginTop: args?.mt ?? args?.marginTop,
        marginLeft: args?.ml ?? args?.marginLeft,
        marginRight: args?.mr ?? args?.marginRight,
        marginBottom: args?.mb ?? args?.marginBottom,
        marginVertical: args?.my ?? args?.marginVertical,
        marginHorizontal: args?.mx ?? args?.marginHorizontal,
        backgroundColor: args?.bg ?? args?.backgroundColor,
        flexDirection: args?.flexDir ?? args?.flexDirection,
        justifyContent: args?.justify ?? args?.justifyContent,
        alignItems: args?.align ?? args?.alignItems,
        border: args?.border ?? args?.borderWidth,
        alignSelf: args?.alignSelf ?? args?.alignSelf,
        borderRadius: args?.rounded ?? args?.borderRadius,
        flexGrow: args?.flexGrow ?? args?.flexGrow,
        gap: args?.gap ?? args?.gap,
        // add more shorthand here
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