Basically, I have a list of products, in this list, I have a favorite function, but when I am logged out and favorite a product, it returns me to the login screen. After logging in, I have to do the favorite process again, I have to find a way when the user clicks on the favorite product when he returns from the login it is already filled in, I am using the Redux toolkit
for the states
const addRemoveWishlistItem = async (idProduct: string) => {
if (!userLogged) return navigation.navigate('/login')
const isServiceLoading =
removeWishlistItemQuery.isLoading || addWishlistItemQuery.isLoading
if (!idWishlist || isServiceLoading) return
if (favoriteId.includes(idProduct)) {
return removeWishlistItemQuery.mutate(idProduct)
return addWishlistItemQuery.mutate(idProduct)
const handleDeleteAllFavorites = async () => {
return removeAllWishlistItemsQuery.mutate()
Easily, you can store the actions with their related data in the
, and after every login process, first of all, check thelocalStorage
for the queued actions.On the same line as the last answer, you could have a pre-saved favorite store? maybe you can also use it while the answer from your backend arrive (when you give like to something)