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This is the first time I use axios for queries … but now I don’t know any further, I hope someone can give me an advice.

In order to develop a dictionary app with React Native, I want to query wiktionary like this

let url = "{word}&rvprop=content&prop=revisions&redirects=1&callback=?".replace("{word}", word);
      method: 'get',
      url: url,
    }).then((response) => {
      var results = {
        title: "",
        definitions: [],
        examples: []
      let data =;

This query itself works … now I would like to adapt this for my purposes: wiktionary-parser.

The problem occurs here:

        if(!data || !data.query || !data.query.pages || data.query.pages[-1]) {
            return callback({});

It says

TypeError: Cannot read property 'pages' of undefined

The way the data from my query are organized must differ from the data received by this "$.getJSON…"-query of the Wiktionary parser mentioned above …

But how?

I tried to work with




What am I doing wrong? Any proposals?

Thank you in advance, Frank

The complete code of the query is

  function getENWiktionaryInfo(word, wordLanguage, callback) {
    //  getJSON("{word}&rvprop=content&prop=revisions&redirects=1&callback=?".replace("{word}", word), function (data) {
    //        $.getJSON("", function (data) {
    let url = "{word}&rvprop=content&prop=revisions&redirects=1&callback=?".replace("{word}", word);
    console.log("getENWiktionaryInfo " + url);

      method: 'get',
      url: url,
    }).then((response) => {
      var results = {
        title: "",
        definitions: [],
        examples: []

      let data =;
      console.log("DATA "+data);
      const jsonObj= JSON.stringify(
      //let data = jsonObj;
      var title, content;

   if (!data || !data.query || !data.query.pages || data.query.pages[-1]) {
      return callback({});


The pure call for the (latin) word "res" is:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I hope I have not bothered you with my problem ... had a conversation here, but all the comments disappeared?

    Anyway ... there must be a difference between Axios and other queries like fetch(...) or getJSON(...) - see discussion here and here

    I tried to reenact this with the console at Google chrome ... but I was not able to use axios there ... I tried to set up for this, but then

    Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

    My last idea was: replacing this query

    by this*

    ... and it worked ... that was astonishing.

    This different query seems to return the raw markup text (unfortunately, I'm not able to remember where I found it), but that's exactly what I need. For the future, it will be my task to learn more of the javascript details of axios and so on ...

    I would like to parse this text and extract the information I need - using this wiktionary parser mentioned above as a template.

    Many thanks to all who tried to help here!

    Kind regards, Frank

  2. You can use it like this which would be better

    async function getENWiktionaryInfo(word, wordLanguage, callback) {
     try {
       console.log("getENWiktionaryInfo " + url)
       const response = await axios.get("", {
         params: {
           format: "json",
           action: "query",
           titles: word,
           rvprop: "content",
           prop: "revisions",
           redirects: "1",
           callback: "?",
       const data =
       if (data?.query?.pages?.length) {
         throw new Error("Something went wrong")
       return data
     } catch (error) {
       console.log("error", error)
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