I am using Axios for API calls. I want to upload an image from mobile to the server. API is accepting data in binary form image. It is working fine from POSTMAN. But I cannot understand how to pass images in Axios in code.
This is the API curl from Postman.
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://{baseURL}/v1/device/image'
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg'
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIwODU4MTM3MTk6Z2tNUWpRVWM='
--data '@'
try {
// Make the API request
await request({
url: 'device/image',
data: imageData[0].base64, // here what I need to pass exactly.
method: 'PATCH',
config: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg',
accept: 'application/json',
maxContentLength: 100000000,
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
maxContentLength: Infinity,
responseType: 'json',
.then(async (res: ApiResponse<any>) => {
console.log('res ::: ', res.data);
// Handle the response as needed
.catch((e: any) => {
console.error('Oops :: ', e);
// Handle the error as needed
type: 'error',
message: e.message || 'Something went wrong',
position: 'top',
} catch (error) {
console.warn('error ::: ', error);
// Respond with a 500 Internal Server Error if something goes wrong
this is the file data I get.
{"fileName": "1854487B-07A2-4BFA-9B64-B047202F8877.jpg", "fileSize": 2567402, "height": 2848, "type": "image/jpg", "uri": "file:///Users/theonetech/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/FEC6EBCC-8A7E-4D43-B5E7-F5EB9F512EBF/data/Containers/Data/Application/A2FFD8E2-C3EE-45B0-A811-5467E27A761E/tmp/1854487B-07A2-4BFA-9B64-B047202F8877.jpg", "width": 4288}
I found one resource on the internet. https://medium.com/@j.lilian/how-to-use-axios-to-send-binary-data-579c3334ba72
But not able to understand.
I found the solution.
The example assumes you have the binary image data or can obtain it. If you are working with an image picked from the device, you can use a library like react-native-image-picker to get the image data. Adjust the code accordingly based on your specific use case.
You can use ‘react-native-image-crop-picker’ to pick image and video. Set following property to true
includeBase64: true
and image file content will be available as a base64-encoded string in the data property