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I am using @react-navigation/native upgraded current version but i am trying to reset the index 0 using the CommonAction.reset() not working
scenerio: I am in the login page once i loggined the splash screen in my root stack initially showing 3 seconds delay then navigate tot eh dashboard my question is why the splash screen is showing initially i already tried lot of things to reset the initialScreen while login or logout not working

type SplashScreenProp = NativeStackNavigationProp<RootStackParamList, 'Splash'>;

const Splash = () => {
    const navigation = useNavigation<SplashScreenProp>();
                        index: 0,
                        routes: [{ name: 'TabRoot' }],

const RootNavigator = () => {
    return (
        <HeaderButtonsProvider stackType="native">
                    headerBackTitleVisible: false,
                    headerTitleStyle: screenOptions,
                    headerTitleAlign: 'center',
                <RootStack.Screen name="Splash" component={Splash} options={{ title: '', headerShown: false }} />
                <RootStack.Screen name="Login" component={Login} options={{ title: '', headerShown: false, animation: 'fade' }} />
                <RootStack.Screen name="TabRoot" component={TabNavis} options={{ title: '', headerShown: false }} />
                        title: 'Settings',
                        headerTitleStyle: screenOptions,



  1. You can directly reset to particular screen by writing below code:

     navigation.reset({ routes: [{ name: 'Your Screen Name' }] })
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  2. You can solve this issue using conditional rendering.
    For example, like this:

    <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
      {appInitialized ? (
        <Stack.Screen name={STACKS.AuthStack} component={AuthStackNavigator} />
      ) : (
        <Stack.Screen name={STACKS.SplashScreen} component={SplashScreen} />

    Alternatively, you can display the splash screen in a modal to avoid using it in the navigation since it’s only needed during the project initialization.

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