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I am building my first react-native app for both android and IOS. In order for my app to function, I need to use RNPickerSelect. But for some reason when I try to do

              onValueChange={(value) => setOrgin(value)}
              items={countries} placeholder={{label: "Country of Orgin", value: null}} style={pickerSelectStyles}

on android I get "Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. " How can I solve this issue



  1. I have re-install the module with this command => npm i react-native-picker-select –legacy-peer-deps

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  2. Same issue is here, I have tried with npm i react-native-picker-select --legacy-peer-deps as turkun mentioned and it seems working me too.
    Node version may have effect for the fix, I have v12.22.12.

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  3. re-install the module with this command => npm i react-native-picker-select –legacy-peer-deps … works for me also.
    Probably a conflict on expo dependencies.
    It works with Expo but no more when creating de app bundle with eas.
    This module is no longer supported. I change by using this :

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