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I have svg icons These are <A/>, <B/>, <C/>.

I want to use these icons in <MyButton>.

This is how I am using it now.


function MyButton(props) {
  return (


import A from "./A";
import B from "./B";  
import C from "./C";  

function App() {
      return (
        <MyButton icon={<A/>} title={'Example'} />

I want the icons to be selectable with string instead of sending them with props. How can I do that?


function App() {
      return (
        <MyButton icon={"a"} title={'Example'} />



  1. You can follow this approach. Creating an object of icons, then you can pass icon as string from props to MyButton Component.

    function MyButton(props) {
      const icons = {
        "a": require("./A"),
        "b": require("./B"),
        "c": require("./C")
      const IconToRender = props.icon ? icons[props.icon] : null;
      return (
            IconToRender ? <IconToRender/> : null


     <MyButton icon="a" title="My Title" />

    Let me know in comments if it helps!

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  2. Solution 1

    import React from 'react';
    import {Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';
    import A from './A';
    import B from './B';
    import C from './C';
    const MyButton = ({icon, label}) => {
      return (
          {icon == 'a' ? <A /> : icon == 'b' ? <B /> : <C />}
    export default MyButton;
    <MyButton icon={"a"} label={"SVG A"} />
    <MyButton icon={"b"} label={"SVG B"} />
    <MyButton icon={"c"} label={"SVG C"} />

    Solution 2

    import React from 'react';
    import {Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';
    import A from './A';
    import B from './B';
    import C from './C';
    const ICON_SIZE =20;
    const icons_array = {
        "a":<A width={ICON_SIZE} heigth={ICON_SIZE} />,
        "b":<B width={ICON_SIZE} heigth={ICON_SIZE} />,
        "c":<C width={ICON_SIZE} heigth={ICON_SIZE} />
    const MyButton = ({icon, label}) => {
      return (
    export default MyButton;
    <MyButton icon={"a"} label={"SVG A"} />
    <MyButton icon={"b"} label={"SVG B"} />
    <MyButton icon={"c"} label={"SVG C"} />
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  3. Your SVG icons are (very probably) React components. I’m afraid there is no (clean/reliable) way to access those components by a string, because they are basically a javascript function (or a "class"), and are not accessible via a string. (except if already mapped to some object, even if it’s the window object).

    string-to-object mapping in javascript

    Accessing something "by string" in javascript means finding a string inside a collection, in some way or another, where the "collection" might be an object, an array, or even a string itself.

    There is no javascript collection of your components per se, so to be able to select one component "by string", you need to create a collection first, i.e. some list of key-value pairs that associate a string to each component, as other answers already suggested, e.g.

    const icons = {
        a: A,    // where `A` was imported or required
        b: B,

    Furthermore, as soon as a React component is "known" to javascript, it takes up memory space.

    I.e. as soon as there is a javascript key-to-object mapping, that means that the objects exists from javascripts perspective, so if you have hundreds icons, and a mapping, then you have hundreds of components at once in the memory (while you probably only need a few at a time).

    file system mapping

    However, some libraries use specific file names, i.e. they use the file system as a "mapping" (i.e. the key is the file name, the value is the actual file data), and dynamically create an URL, e.g.

    file system:



    <MyImage name="smiley-face">
    const MyImage = function({ name }){
      return <img src={ '/icons/my_' + name + '_icon.svg' } />

    The URL could be used to fetch( url ) some image data, or as a source for an <img> tag, or incorporated into the DOM in other, possibly weird ways. But they don’t use React components here.

    Build time

    Other libraries might auto-map icon components to javascript identifiers with some build-time- or pre-build-tools, e.g. some script might read the contents of one specific folder, and even analyzing your code and finding icon names in it, and import only the used components.

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  4. After so many years working in react-native, here is the way I am handeling button icons:

    File structure

    ├── App.tsx
    ├── Button.tsx
    ├── assets
    │   ├── index.ts
    │   └── A.tsx
    │   └── B.tsx
    │   └── C.tsx

    assets/A.tsx: auto generated by SVGR. Can be made manually

    import * as React from "react"
    import Svg, { SvgProps, Circle } from "react-native-svg"
    const A = (props: SvgProps) => (
      <Svg height={24} width={24} {...props}>
        <Circle cx={50} cy={50} r={40} stroke="black" strokeWidth={3} fill="red" />
    export default A

    assets/index.ts: auto generated by SVGR. Can be made manually

    export { default as A } from "./A";
    export { default as B } from "./B";
    export { default as C } from "./C";


    // other imports
    import * as Icons from "./assets";
    interface IIconProps {
      height?: string | number;
      width?: string | number;
      name?: keyof typeof Icons | null; // enable vscode sugestion as well
    function RenderIcon({ name, ...props }: IIconProps) {
      if (!name) return null;
      const Icon = Icons[name];
      return <Icon {...props} />;
    interface IButtonProps {
      title?: string;
      icon?: IIconProps;
    function Button({ icon, title, icon }: IButtonProps) {
      return (
          <RenderIcon {...icon} />
          <Text>{title || ""}</Text>
    export default Button;


    function App() {
      return <Button icon={{ name: "A", width: 10, height: 10 }} title="Example" />

    Hope it will help.

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