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enter image description hereerror: cannot find symbol import com.swmansion.rnscreens.RNScreensPackage;

I am trying to run the app for Android platform but it’s always failing. Can anyone please help me please check below one screenshot of error while compiling build for Android?

Steps to reproduce :-
npm i react-native-screens
npm run android
build is compiling and throwing error as per below one

error: android/app/build/generated/rncli/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/ error: cannot find symbol
import com.swmansion.rnscreens.RNScreensPackage;



  1. I ran into this issue as well. Unfortunately, I am not a Java or an Android developer, so I didn’t know how to track down the reason that the Java packages were missing or why the were not being imported correctly.

    I removed the four packages that appeared to be the source of the error, via npm remove:

    • @react-navigation/native
    • @react-navigation/native-stack
    • react-native-safe-area-context
    • react-native-screens

    And then added them using yarn add instead of npm install. After running yarn install, the project loaded without those errors.

    I’m running a new project, and I meant to use yarn instead of npm anyway, so this suffices for me. Sorry I can’t be of more valuable help. :

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  2. You probably has installed some dependencies using a package manager and some with other.

    Check if you have package-lock.json and yarn.lock or another similar file from other package manager. Keep just the one from what you’re using (yarn, npm, pnpm…) and remove all others.

    Then run the command to install everything from package.json (ex. npm install or just yarn). This will make sure all dependencies listed at package.json has been installed with the same package manager.

    Remember, if you kept yarn.lock so run yarn if you kept package-lock.json then run npm install.

    After it just start your application as usual, and the error should be gone.

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