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I am using Mac M1. My React native project has been built using Typescript, Firebase. When I try running pod install inside ios folder, I am getting this below error.

 `require': dlopen(/Users/kalidass/.rvm/rubies/ruby-
2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/stringio-3.0.5/lib/stringio.bundle, 0x0009): tried: 
3.0.5/lib/stringio.bundle' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 
(x86_64), need (arm64e))) - /Users/kalidass/.rvm/rubies/ruby-
2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/stringio-3.0.5/lib/stringio.bundle (LoadError)

Later I have tried creating a blank React native project, I have noticed the below error.

churby: Comman not found

✖ Installing Bundler

error zsh:1: command not found: chruby
WARN: Unresolved or ambiguous specs during   
  ipaddr (>= 0)
  Available/installed versions of this gem:
  - 1.2.2
WARN: Clearing out unresolved specs. Try 'gem cleanup <gem>'
Please report a bug if this causes problems.

error Error: Looks like your iOS environment is not properly     
set. Please go to and follow 
the React Native CLI QuickStart guide for macOS and iOS.

Tried almost whatever possible commands.

Opened my terminal using Rosetta
Followed the commands to install pods for M1 chip

No luck. Any help is appreciated.

node - 16.16.0
npm - 8.11.0
java - 11.0.5
react-native - 8.0.5
ruby - 2.7.4



  1. Unfortunately, on Apple silicon there is a Ruby issue and I do not know why.

    I use RVM for handling Ruby issues. I strongly suggest you to use RVM instead of other tools.

    You can use rvm use 2.7.4 and it probably will fix your pod install problem

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  2. I had a lot of different issues trying to install ruby on a Mac M1 but now I’m okay with chruby + ruby-install.

    Take a look to this guide:

    For Mac M1 care about the good command to install ruby 2.7.4.
    It should be: ruby-install 2.7.4 –enable-shared
    Also don’t run your terminal under Rosetta

    Now next time you will upgrade RN, you will just have to refer to the version of the .ruby-version file to install it with ruby-install then check it with ruby –version in your project folder. And all will be okay 🙂

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