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For some reason I have this weird bug where today’s date (ie the 14th) is highlighted in every future and past month. I never pass anything into my markedDates parameter that would tell the calendar to mark the xth of every month, so I was wondering if anyone has any idea why this could be happening or if this has happened to anyone else. Any tips would be appreciated.



  1. Hlo,
    I Don’t know what is happening having same issue ,
    But solved by change a line in node module


    simple replace line 31 with 32 as shown in above image
    please try

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  2. As of now (07-feb-2023) this is an Open issue in the react-native-calendars.
    The easiest option is to downgrade with a few versions until collaborators fix it.

    The problem was introduced after 1.1289.0 and the latest version is 1.1293.0. so I didn’t find any major difference between the two.

    For me; changing today’s background color also didn’t work along with the above issue. downgrade fixed everything.
    {todayBackgroundColor: '#777', todayTextColor: '#000',}

    Steps to downgrade

    1. replace your "react-native-calendars": "^1.xxxx.x", with ""react-native-calendars": "1.1289.0", in your package.json
    2. do a npm install or yarn install
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