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I have a component in my React Native app that displays a list of pending friends. This component makes a GET request to an API to retrieve the list of pending friends and then uses a useEffect hook to map over the list and render each friend as a Pressable component. I’m also using the useFocusEffect hook to make the get request when the screen renders.

Here is the relevant code for the component:

const Pending = () => {
  const [pendingFriends, setPendingFriends] = useState(null)
  let pendingFriendsRender = []

  useEffect(() => {
    if (pendingFriends !== null) {
      for(let i = 0; i < pendingFriends.length; i++) {
          <Pressable  key={i} style={styles.friend}>
            <Text style={styles.friendText}>{pendingFriends[i].username}</Text>
  }, [pendingFriends])

    useCallback(() => {
      async function fetchData() {
        const accessToken = await AsyncStorage.getItem('accessToken')
        try {
          const res = await instance.get('/pending_friends', {
            headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`},
        } catch (error) {
    }, [])

    <View style={styles.friendsContainer}>

I have tried using an empty array as the second argument in the useEffect hook but that approach has not worked. I also tried removing the useEffect hook so the if statement with the for loop stands at the top of the component without the hook, that worked but I can’t update it in this way after the component rendered. I checked the API and it is returning the correct data.



  1. The first useEffect you have really isn’t needed. You can map through your state inside of your JSX. Anytime the state changes, the component will be re-rendered:

      // Need a default here, could also set some loading state when fetching your data
      if(pendingFriends === null) {
        return <>Loading...</>
        <View style={styles.friendsContainer}>
          {, i) => {
              return (
                <Pressable key={} style={styles.friend}>
                  <Text style={styles.friendText}>{friend.username}</Text>

    Also keep in mind, it’s not recommended to use the index as the key, it can lead to unexpected bugs and issues. Instead use a unique string key (as shown above).

    React: using index as key for items in the list

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  2. pendingFriendsRender should be the state:

    const [pendingFriendsRender, setPendingFriendsRender] = useState([])

    Instead of

    let pendingFriendsRender = []

    Then just clone the array so you lose reference to the object and add the new element

    const newPendingFriendsRender = [...pendingFriendsRender, newElement]

    or you can use FlatList to make it easier.

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