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I m working on an app in which I have FlatList and which contains list of cards.
I have survey cards and when user perform any survey I add response of that survey in local DB and updated FlatList. My FlatList got updated but when card got rendered all the local data updated expect the values those I am firstly storing in local state and then show while rendering card.

For example:

I want to update title of my card on button press

  1. I am adding my card title in local useState because I need that value in future

so, I declared like :

const [title, setTitle] = useState('');
  1. Now I want to update item.title on button click:

     let newArray = [...feedArray];
    const index = newArray.findIndex(object => {
     return object.cardId === item.cardId;
     newArray[index].title = "I am checking issue for survey not updated"

also, My useEffect is like:

 useEffect(() => {



My setFeedArray list got updated but my card not updated with latest title as I am storing value in local store. If I don’t use local state and directly show item.title then it got updated but I want to store my value in setTitle and show from there.

What is the issue. Please help.



  1. try this :

    const handleButtonClick = () => {
      let newArray = [...feedArray];
      const index = newArray.findIndex(object => {
        return object.cardId === item.cardId;
      newArray[index].title = "I am checking issue for survey not updated";

    It looks like the issue you are facing is related to the way you are updating the title in your FlatList. The problem is that you are using a local state variable (title) to store and display the title of your card, but you are not updating this variable when the title changes.

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  2. You can use a dependency array for re-rendering.

    useEffect(() => {
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