I’m trying to set up a cross platform app using React-native.
On the android side, i was able to install the SDK by setting the auth token in the settings.gradle
However on the IOS, i have added the SDK to my podfile but i’m still getting a permission error relating to auth token. How do i set the auth token to install the SDK on IOS.
Installing the GitHub repository file to Podfile is what this is for.
Create a private repository for your pod. This can be done using a service like GitHub or Bitbucket.
Add your private repository to your CocoaPods installation. To do this, open your Podfile and add the following line:
Add your pod’s Podspec to your repo. To do this, create a file called Podspec.yaml in the root directory of your pod repository. The Podspec file should contain information about your pod, such as its name, version, and dependencies.
Add your repo to your CocoaPods installation.
To do this, open your Podfile and add the following line:
Install the dependencies. To do this, open a terminal window and navigate to the root directory of your project. Then, run the following command:
This will install your private pod, along with any of its transitive dependencies.
Use the pod in your project. To do this, import the pod into your code using the following syntax:
You can now use the pod’s classes and methods in your code.
If the user has not generated a ssh public/private key pair set before
If the user has generated a ssh public/private key pair set before