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4 months ago, I made an app using React Native which was compatible with Expo SDK 49. Now, I want to improvise my app. When I tried to run it, it showed the following message.

Project is incompatible with this version of Expo Go

  • The installed version of Expo Go is for SDK 51.
  • The project you opened uses SDK 49.
    How to fix this error
    Either upgrade this project to SDK 51, or lauch it in an iOS simulator. It is not possible to install an older version of Expo Go for iOS devices, only the latest version is supported.

I am using an iPhone and I cannot go back to the previous version. When I tried upgrading my app to SDK 51, this happened.

Also, npx expo install --fix doesn’t do anything.

These things are outdated in my app.

I have to present my app in 3 weeks but I am not even able to run the app. And I cannot use an iOS simulator as I don’t have a Mac. Please help me in upgrading my project to SDK 51.



  1. Upgrade the Expo SDK
    Install the new version of the Expo package:

    npm install expo@latest

    Upgrade dependencies:
    Upgrade all dependencies to match the installed SDK version.

     npx expo install --fix

    if you still face errors then first run the below command to install yarn

    npm install --global yarn

    then run

    yarn add expo@latest

    Upgrade dependencies:
    Upgrade all dependencies to match the installed SDK version.

    npx expo install --fix
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  2. Try running the following commands.

    npm cache verify

    npm cache clean –force

    rm -rf node_modules/

    rm package-lock.json

    npm install

    npx expo start -c

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