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React-Native Phonepe SDK used for Phonepe integration if I pass base64 response and shasha256 hash key for SDK to PhonePe Custom UPI Open Intent it always gives {"error": "Transaction Interrupted!", "status": "FAILURE"} error but if try standard checkout(asking the user to enter UPI id and payment request) everything works fine.
test credentials used for testing
custom up intent api docs I tried with passing the same values in API it works fine it returns redirect url but in sdk it throws error


 import PhonePePaymentSDK from 'react-native-phonepe-pg';
    ).then(result => {
      console.log("sdk intitialisation successfull", result);
      // setMessage("Message: SDK Initialisation ->" + JSON.stringify(result));
    }).catch(error => {
      setMessage("error:" + error.message);

 PhonePePaymentSDK.startPGTransaction(   "ewogICJtZXJjaGFudElkIjogIlBHVEVTVFBBWVVBVCIsCiAgIm1lcmNoYW50VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JZCI6ICJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbl8xMjMiLAogICJtZXJjaGFudFVzZXJJZCI6ICI5MDIyMzI1MCIsCiAgImFtb3VudCI6IDEwMDAsCiAgIm1vYmlsZU51bWJlciI6ICI5OTk5OTk5OTk5IiwKICAiY2FsbGJhY2tVcmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly93ZWJob29rLnNpdGUvY2FsbGJhY2stdXJsIiwKICAicGF5bWVudEluc3RydW1lbnQiOiB7CiAgICAidHlwZSI6ICJVUElfSU5URU5UIiwKICAgICJ0YXJnZXRBcHAiOiAiY29tLnBob25lcGUuYXBwIgogIH0sCiAgImRldmljZUNvbnRleHQiOiB7CiAgICAiZGV2aWNlT1MiOiAiQU5EUk9JRCIKICB9Cn0=", //base64 string 
      "2b5b25e756441323391dd1612810c59f021463bb0082cdf5fe18c9a6f1a5dc21###1",//check sum value
      { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    ).then(a => {
      console.log("tracsaction res", a);
    }).catch(error => {
      console.log("trsaction api error", error);

Response object
sample reponse object

  "merchantId": "PGTESTPAYUAT",
  "merchantTransactionId": "transaction_123",
  "merchantUserId": "90223250",
  "amount": 1000,
  "mobileNumber": "9999999999",
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "UPI_INTENT",
    "targetApp": ""
  "deviceContext": {
    "deviceOS": "ANDROID"

test crentials



  1. I’m using Expo app, so can’t use phonepe-sdk, that’s why I’m trying to make webpage for payment gateway in react and then I’ll redirect user to webpage via <WebView />
    But issue is, I tried using Paytm to make gateway and I got stuck for more than a week in error resolving, could not resolve so now trying to make using Phonepe. If that doesnot work then last option will be Google Pay – which looks pretty easy to integrate but require some more steps like verifications.

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  2. You can use this package react-native-phonepesdk instead.

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