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after use withTranslation, react-native ts got errors, ref error and type error, I don’t know how to fix

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    "i18next": "^23.5.0",
    "react": "18.2.0",
    "react-i18next": "^13.2.2",
    "react-native": "0.72.4",



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    find a way to solve the two errors while use ts and ref and class component with react-i18next withTranslation

    datePickerRef: React.RefObject<DatePickerRef> = React.createRef<DatePickerRef>();
    //region withTranslation with ts and ref
    export interface DatePickerRef extends DatePicker {}
    export default withTranslation(undefined, { withRef: true })(DatePicker) as React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
      Omit<DatePickerProps, keyof WithTranslation> & RefAttributes<DatePickerRef>

  2. I think the most easiest way to solve this error would be to follow your IDE’s hint and make use of typeof

    datePicker: React.RefObject<typeof DatePicker> = React.createRef<typeof DatePicker>()

    What you are trying to do is following

    const MyObject = {
     name: "Joe Doe",
     age: "99"
    React.RefObject<MyObject> = React.createRef<MyObject>()
    React.RefObject<typeof MyObject> = React.createRef<typeof MyObject>()
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