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I’m making a custom Button component with React Native & Nativewind. But the styling doesn’t work when className is applied to TouchableOpacity.


import {TouchableOpacity} from "react-native";

 <TouchableOpacity className="border border-red" {}>
   <View className={cn(base(), className)}>
     {IconLeft && <IconLeft color={icon()} />}

     <Text className={text()}>
       {loading && <LoaderIcon className={spinner()} />}
       {!loading && children}

     {IconRight && <IconRight color={icon()} />}

Works with style={{ borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "red" }}. ClassName styling works normal on other components.

Tried swapping places between the inside <View /> and <TouchableOpacity /> (as suggested here). But then it becomes too small to be clicked.



  1. Note : NativeWind does not work with TailwindCSS >3.3.2. If you wish
    to use the most current version, please upgrade to NativeWind v4

    if you already have then go through the installation of Tailwind CSS

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  2. border-red isn’t a valid class in tailwind i guess… instead try border-red-50.

    you can find all the available tailwind border colors here

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