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What I am trying To Do

I am building a simple expo managed audio player app. On my App Screen, I need display a list of songs. When a user clicks on the song, it plays and once the play finishes, the "Songs Played" at the bottom of the page should increase. I am using expo-av API for this.

Here is the breakdown of the app:


Here I have an array (Data) that holds the songs. To keep it simple, I am using the same song for all elements. count variable holds the count of songs and there is a function (IncreaseCount) which is passed to the ChildComponent as prop. Flatlist is used to render the ChildComponents

import { View, Text, FlatList } from 'react-native'
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent';

const Data = [
    key: "1",
    song: ""
    key: "2",
    song: ""
    key: "3",
    song: ""

export default function App() {
const [count, setcount] = useState(0);

const IncreaseCount = ()=>{
  setcount(count + 1);

const renderItem = ({item, index})=>{
    <View style={{marginTop: 10}} >
  <ChildComponent path={item.path} IncreaseCount={()=>IncreaseCount} index={index} songURL={}/>

  return (
    <View style={{justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", marginTop: 200}}>
      <Text style={{marginTop: 30}}> Number of Songs Played: {count} </Text>


Here I use expo-av API. Using the loadAsync() method, I Initially load the songs upon first render using useEffect hook. Then using onPress method of the button I invoke the playAsync() method of the playBackObject.
Using the setOnPlayBackStatusUpdate method, I listen for status changes. When playBackObjectStatus.didJustFinish becomes true, I call the props.IncreaseCount().

import { View, Button } from 'react-native'
import React, {useRef, useEffect} from 'react'
import { Audio } from 'expo-av';

export default function ChildComponent(props) {
const sound = useRef(new Audio.Sound());
const PlayBackStatus = useRef();

  return ()=> sound.current.unloadAsync()

const LoadAudio = async ()=>{
  PlayBackStatus.current = sound.current.loadAsync({uri: props.songURL})
    console.log(`load result : ${res}`)


const PlayAuido = async ()=>{
  PlayBackStatus.current = sound.current.playAsync()
  .then((res)=>console.log(`result of playing: ${res}`))
  .catch((err)=>console.log(`PlayAsync Failed ${err}`))

    console.log(`Audio Finished Playing: ${playBackObjectStatus.didJustFinish}`)
      console.log(`Inside the If Condition, Did the Audio Finished Playing?: ${playBackObjectStatus .didJustFinish}`)

  return (
    <View >
      <Button title="Play Sound" onPress={PlayAuido} />

Problem I am facing

No matter what I do, I can’t get the props.IncreaseCount to be called in App.js. Using console.log inside the if condition of setOnPlayBackStatusUpdate, I know that the props.IncreaseCount() method is being called, but the IncreaseCount() function in App.js is never called. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is the snack



  1. Inside here please do this

    <ChildComponent path={item.path} IncreaseCount={IncreaseCount} index={index} songURL={}/>

    Ive changed IncreaseCount={IncreaseCount}

    DO lemme know if this helps

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  2. You have two ways to call the IncreaseCount function, in the ChildComponent

    <ChildComponent IncreaseCount={IncreaseCount} path={item.path} .......


    <ChildComponent IncreaseCount={() => IncreaseCount()} path={item.path} .......
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  3. You made a mistake while passing increaseCount prop to the ChildComponent

    Here are to correct ways to do it:

    <View style={{marginTop: 10}} >
      <ChildComponent path={item.path} IncreaseCount={IncreaseCount} index={index} songURL={}/>


    or: IncreaseCount={() => IncreaseCount()}

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