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for my blog app in NextJS I’m trying to create a route for usernames. If a user navigates to /@${username} I want to display the page in /pages//index.tsx. That works but if I randomly navigate to /abc it displays that page (with an error, obviously) and not the default 404 page



  1. I’m blind-flying on this right now as I don’t have Next.js and/or Node installed on my current machine, but is it an idea to create a redirect from /@${username} to /${username}?

    If that could work for you, try adding the following to your next.config.js:

    // next.config.js
    module.exports = {
      // Other configuration options
      async redirects() {
        return [
            source: '/@:username*',
            destination: '/user/:username*',
            permanent: true,

    With this configuration, when a user navigates to /@[username], it will redirect to /user/[username], which will be handled by the dynamic route file at pages/user/[username].tsx.

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  2. One way to implement the desired behavior is with getServerSideProps:

    import type { GetServerSideProps } from "next";
    type UserPageProps = {
      user: string;
    export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<UserPageProps> = async ({
    }) => {
      if (params && params.username) {
        const username = Array.isArray(params.username)
          ? params.username[0]
          : params.username;
        if ( === "@") {
          return { props: { user: username.substring(1) } };
      return { notFound: true };
    export default function UserPage({ user }: UserPageProps) {
      return <>Hello, {user}</>;

    Another option would be to use router on the client and check the router.query.username after hydration.

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