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I has this warning since I install zego-ui-toolkit. I trying reinstall and also delete node_modules but not working. This is not an error that cause my system fail but it really annoying.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
    const { override, useBabelRc } = require('customize-cra');
    const ignoreWarnings = (value) => (config) => {
        config.ignoreWarnings = value;
        return config;
    module.exports = override(useBabelRc(), ignoreWarnings([/Failed to parse source map/]));

    I added in my config-override.js and the warning gone. But I want only the warning from zego-ui-toolkit is ignore. What can I do.

  2. I know that feel. If you’re using webpack, you can configure you webpack.config.js to ignore this specific warning.

    plugins: [
      /* Your code */
      new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^./$/, /zego-ui-kit-prebuilt/),

    More information you can read about IgnorePlugin is here:

    As you mentioned, it won’t affect your application work, but it will affect debugging, cause you will see minified code instead of initial(original) source code in developer tools. I believe, that’s all.

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  3. I suggest that you try an earlier version.

    You can find more version here:

    Its bad to ignore faults/warnings if you don´t know for sure they are harmless. Might also come new warnings that you want to see.

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