Here is the component to render routes:
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
function Profile() {
const { nickname } = useParams();
return <h1> {nickname} Profile Page</h1>;
export default Profile;
Here is routes
import Home from '../pages/Home';
import Following from '../pages/Following';
import Profile from '../pages/Profile';
import Upload from '../pages/Upload';
import Search from '../pages/Search';
import { HeaderOnly } from '../layouts';
const publicRoutes = [
path: '/',
component: Home,
path: '/following',
component: Following,
path: '/@:nickname',
component: Profile,
layout: HeaderOnly,
path: '/upload',
component: Upload,
layout: HeaderOnly,
path: '/search',
component: Search,
layout: HeaderOnly,
const privateRoutes = [];
export { privateRoutes, publicRoutes };
I want my Profile Component to be rendered when accessing /@mynickname. I am using dynamic router and when I try to access /@mynickname, it does not work, but if I access /@:nickname, it works.
How can I access /@mynickname and have my Profile Component rendered? Where did I go wrong?
localhost/@johndee -> johndee Profile Page
I think the issue lies with the version of react-router-dom. I'm using the latest version and the developer may have changed the syntax. When I use an older version, the problem is resolved.
This is called url params, you can do it very easily.
Read about this here:
won’t work in my opinion, try:name
and use the’s so easy
To access it, just write
, if you write something like:/anythings
, it won’t work.