I try to insert a string into a particular index of object if condition is true inside a forloop
but its not inserting of some reason. I tried to use push
and append
and splice
but splice just inserting entire string as an new object into the array and i need it to just append to existing object. Any ideas how to make it work?
const [concerts, setConcerts] = useState([]);
const [tickets, setTickets] = useState([]);
const [limit, setLimit] = useState(25);
const navigate = useNavigate();
const [button, setButton] = useState(false);
const [array, setArray] = useState([]);
//Raw JSON Date example: "2023-02-08T23:15:30.000Z"
let currentDate = new Date().toJSON().slice(0, 10);
const json = { available: "true" };
useEffect(() => {
const loadConcerts = async () => {
const resConcerts = await axios.get("/data/concerts");
const resTickets = await axios.get("/data/tickets");
let table = [];
// getting all concerts above today
const filteredData = resConcerts.data.filter((concert) => {
return concert.datum >= currentDate;
filteredData.forEach((element) => {
// table.splice(10, 0, { status: "available" });
for (let i = 0; i < resTickets.data.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < filteredData.length; j++) {
if (
resTickets.data[i].concertid == filteredData[j].id &&
resTickets.data[i].booked == 0
) {
table.push({ status: "avaiable" });
// table.splice(10, 0, { status: "available" });
// filteredData.forEach((concert) => {
// for (const ticket of tickets) {
// if (concert.id == ticket.concertid && ticket.booked == 0) {
// table.push(json);
// }
// }
// });
filteredData.sort((a, b) =>
a.datum > b.datum ? 1 : a.datum < b.datum ? -1 : 0
console.log("from use effect: " + array.length);
}, []);
Problem is solved. I used Object.assign()
helped to append string to existing object in array. Actually i had to insert another object, not a single variable.
Problem solved.
method didn't helped. What helped me to append my object to another object without changing the data wasObject.assign()
functionThe problem is you are trying to push a string
into anarray-of-objects
.Here you see the object with a property
:Yet below when you push, you are not pushing an object into the array which is problematic. It should probably be something like this but you have to verify:
Instead of this:
Domething like this:
filteredData.push({ datum: '', status: 'available' );
I don’t know what your data object is but it’s an object not a string you need to add to that array.
The looping twice is likely from React 18 New Strict Mode Behaviors. It intentionally unmounts/remounts components to fire your
calls twice – so that you can identify problematic side effects. If you remove<StrictMode>
or run in production that double-looping should not occur.